Surviving Wayne
I find that it is a full time job surviving myself. I and my quirks and imperfections will be the fall of me. Thanks to God, my Creator, Protector, and Savior, survival is immanent.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What superhero are you?
Your results:

You are Superman

Iron Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

Wayne @ 1:05 PM Comments (4)

One Of My Favorite Pictures

Chris Daughtry finding out that he is a loser.

Wayne @ 10:30 AM Comments (1)
Monday, May 22, 2006

A Gift Amidst The Sorrow
We just got done eating burgers, hotdogs, and cheese fries with Katrina, Stephen, and JJ at our place. Brandy, in Paula'a lap, began to have a seizure. It lasted about 30 minutes. It appeared that she was trying to turn her head completely around. Her eyes were bulging. Paula just held her tight and kept reassuring her that she was going to be alright.

Phileo was scared to see her act like this. He wanted to be near her. He was concerned. From what we have been told about this type of seizure, she felt like her brain was spinning inside of her head.

After about 30 minutes, she seemed to have come out of it, except she acted like she was blind. We would call her and she would try to find you by following your voice. Finally after about another 15 minutes, she seemed to be back to normal.

Our concern is if we were at work and this happened, she would probably hurt herself very badly. We had talked off and on in the past about putting her to sleep. She had a bad trachea, terrible arthritis, aging warts, signs of going blind, signs of going deaf, and now these seizures. She even lost her bladder a couple times over the past few weeks.

Paula told me that I would have to be the one to call to find out about it. I did. I got pricing and after care options. Between the four of us, we thought the best decision would be to put her down.

Paula gave her a "Beggin Strip" before Stephen and I took her. She wanted her to have her favorite food before... well you know. I cried as I watched her enjoy that treat. Through tears, Paula asked me to hold her. Paula didn't want her to die alone.

I found myself going less than the speed limit on 485. I kept wanting to turn the car around. I kept asking Stephen if he was sure we were doing the right thing. Of course, he assured me we were making the right decision.

It has been said that two very precious gifts someone can experience is being there when someone comes into the world and holding their hand as they leave it. I wasn't able to see Brandy come into the world, but I held her tight as she left it. I held her, cried into her fur, and kept telling her that I loved her.

"She's gone." the doctor said.

I kept holding her, petting her like I had so many times before.

It is a few days later. Paula and I know we did the right thing. We are worried about Phileo. He has been really down since Stephen and I came back through the door without Brandy. I am not sure what he understands, but we are making sure we give him tons of attention and love.

Thanks, everyone, for your prayers for Paula and me.

We will survive.

Wayne @ 12:53 PM Comments (5)
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Brandy Allison Leister
December 2, 1992 - May 19, 2006

We had to put Brandy down tonight after she had a terrible seizure. I will talk about it in a few days, but right now I am too emotional.

We love you, Brandy, and we miss you!

Wayne @ 12:20 AM Comments (5)
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mom & Me
I find that each year I grow older, the respect I have for my mother grows. Paula will tell you that I am a serious "momma's boy." I count myself lucky to have had both my parents growing up. They have taught me the importance of hard work, integrity, and love of family.

I think I was always very close to my mom. Even today, I find that I talk to her more than the rest of my family. There was such an age gap between Mike and me that it seemed like I was an only child. Mike was 11 when I was born in February of 1978. Debbie was a little older at 14.

I remember things about my mom like her making me sit at the table until I ate all my greenbeans. She was very stubborn. I guess I see where I got it. I remember getting in the car to go to school and my mom would look at me and gasp. "There is something on your face!" She would then lick her thumb and clean my face. Cats do it, why not us.

I remember when I started taking voice lessons. Mom decided I would be a country singer. Did I mention that she did not run this decision past me first. She would have me sing various country songs in the kitchen, accompanied by karaoke tapes. Paula says I have a bit of a country sound when I sing. I guess it stuck.

There were those days when I was like 12ish and mom, Debbie, and I would try to learn county line dances in our living room to some video. Thanks to those times in my life, I have been deamed the king of the Electric Slide.

I love my mom. There is no mom like her. I love her hands. The hands that changed my dirty diapers were also the hands that spanked my bottom when set fire to the kitchen floor. Those hands ushered me into the bathroom as I knew I was gonna "toss my cookies." Those hands cleaned up the "tossed cookies" when I didn't quite make it to the bathroom. They separated the plain spaghetti sauce from the pot before she added onions because I didn't like them. They smacked my mouth when I decided I would sass her. Those hands applauded every accomplishment important to me.

Here is mom and me about 21 years ago.

I love you, Mom. You are a precious gem that has worth beyond measure.

Happy Mother's Day!

Wayne @ 3:04 PM Comments (4)
Monday, May 08, 2006

Weekend To Remember
I told my boss today that in my heart I would love to give my two week notice. She panicked. "Why?!" Nothing about my job, but that my first love (as far as work is concerned) is full time ministry.

Obviously I didn't give my notice. My boss is cool enough for me to share things like that and it not hurt my job. I love my job. I must say that I experienced something this weekend that I miss terribly.

Paula, Sarah, Sheri, Booth and I ventured to Martinsville, VA to do a Music Sunday. We handled both Sunday School and Morning Worship. God really moved. We knew in advance what some issues were with some of the people there and prayed for guidance with our ministry. I knew that someone needed to meet Sheri.

Sheri gave her testimony. It was emotional and exactly what the people there needed to hear. I was to give a sermon shortly after, but after hearing her testimony, watching the people respond to it, and of course feeling God's leading, I decided that her testimony was the sermon. I didn't want to get up and blab for 20-25 minutes when God's message was already given through Sheri.

There was a lot of crying, hugging, and beginnings of healing. It was amazing. Sheri questioned us before we went. She wondered what part would she play on Music Sunday being that she doesn't really sing or play anything. She got her answer.

Booth and Sarah were great too. We all were just so cohesive in our ministries that God was free to do as his will desired.

It was great and I survived!

Wayne @ 10:30 PM Comments (2)
American Idol
American Idol

Click on the picture just above to be routed to my American Idol Blog. There you can read my take on the performances. Enjoy!!

Watching on the Tube
Bionic Woman
Bionic Woman

Paula and I both love this show. It is a remake of the 70's action television show. We haven't seen it in forever since the Writers Guild Strike. How sad!!


Harry Connick, JR

Harry Connick Jr's newest album, "Oh, My Nola" is full of music from New Orleans or written by artists from New Orleans. Since Paula and I lived in New Orleans, it is special to us. We actually got to see the concert for this album live. It was great. You have got to check this out!

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