Surviving Wayne
I find that it is a full time job surviving myself. I and my quirks and imperfections will be the fall of me. Thanks to God, my Creator, Protector, and Savior, survival is immanent.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

30 For Almost A Week
Before I get into being 30, I want to make a quick plug. Many of you know that Paula and I are major American Idol fans. I am keeping a blog where I post my thoughts on the performances. The site is or you can click on the American Idol icon over on the top right hand side bar of my this blog (icon is only visible if you are actually on my website).

Ok, so I turned 3o last Wednesday. I was very nervous about it. It was like I had to face getting older. Now, being a week in, it is not so bad. It is still very surreal to think that I am 30. This is the first time, since Paula and I have known each other, that we have been in two different decades as far as age goes. This will only be true for three months, as she will join the 3o club on May 9.

I have been thinking about things like retirement savings, having children, and accomplishing things I thought I would have accomplished by now. Other than that, there is not a lot to say about being 30.

I guess it was just like ripping off a bandaid. It's gonna hurt when you do it, but it will be quick and you will be better once it is done.

I guess I actually survived.

Wayne @ 10:16 PM Comments (1)
American Idol
American Idol

Click on the picture just above to be routed to my American Idol Blog. There you can read my take on the performances. Enjoy!!

Watching on the Tube
Bionic Woman
Bionic Woman

Paula and I both love this show. It is a remake of the 70's action television show. We haven't seen it in forever since the Writers Guild Strike. How sad!!


Harry Connick, JR

Harry Connick Jr's newest album, "Oh, My Nola" is full of music from New Orleans or written by artists from New Orleans. Since Paula and I lived in New Orleans, it is special to us. We actually got to see the concert for this album live. It was great. You have got to check this out!

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