Surviving Wayne
I find that it is a full time job surviving myself. I and my quirks and imperfections will be the fall of me. Thanks to God, my Creator, Protector, and Savior, survival is immanent.
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Blue Lights
Ok, so last night I got pulled over by the cops for a "traffic violation." Paula and I were in the turning lane to turn from hwy 51 onto the Park Extension. The green arrow turned yellow and I gunned it so I could get through the light. Right after I turned, I look in my rearview mirror and see a Pineville police car behind me. He waits until we drive a couple of blocks before he turns on his lights, giving me false hope that maybe he would let it slide.

So we pull over. I go ahead and reach for my wallet to get my DL and tell Paula to get the registration out of the glove box. He strolls up to my window and says what he saw. He asked for my DL and registration. Paula is struggling to find the registration in the glove box.

He shines his flashlight at the glove box as to make sure Paula wasn't reaching for a gun or some other heathen weapon. She hands the stuff to me and I sort through it to find it. I hand it to him. Paula wasn't wearing a seat belt. Luckily he didn't notice that.

He comes back about five minutes later goes over the usual speech about I have the option to go to court if I would like or I can just mail in the fine. He tells me my fine is $50, which I immediately think, "That's not bad." He then says, "plus court costs of $110 which brings it to a total of $160."

YES INDEED! Paula and I laughed about it, but I was made. Ok, so we get home and read the instructions on how to pay. The citation he gave me is a generic citation used accross the entire state. He is supposed to write in the address to where I mail the fine... "supposed to" being the key phrase. Now I will have to call the Pineville PD to find out where to mail it.

Anyway, I have started another blog that is dedicated to our new house and the adventure of getting it built. That site is or you can click the "Sold Sign" picture on the right sidebar.

I survived Pineville PD!

Wayne @ 11:02 AM Comments (2)
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Riggs - April 22, 2006
I woke this morning to dreary rain. I got up and grabbed the umbrella because I had to venture out in the dreariness. You see, our dogs had to go poop. Anyway, I thought, "Poor Jason and Janet... they are getting married on a rainy day." Alas, the sun came out this afternoon. Maybe it will be a good day to get hitched after all.

Paula and I were a bit nervous about going to the wedding. We hadn't seen some of our friends for a while. We so suddenly fell away from Charlotte Temple. There was no explanation.

The wedding was beautiful. The chapel at St. Matthew's Catholic Church was unbelievable. It was the most contemporary Catholic chapel I had ever seen. It was cool. Janet was utterly beautiful. It was so great to see the two of them so happy. They so deserve to be happy.

We had a wonderful reunion with our friends. We had missed them so much and they us. We ate, we drank, we danced, and we laughed. We laughed alot... mostly at the lady that was dancing way too much by herself for most of the evening.

We had such a great time. I even let a little loose to "Play That Funky Music, White Boy."

Tonight was needed. Paula needed it too. I think everyone there needed it.

We saw an old couple dancing. Paula leaned over and said that she thought that they were so cute. Why do we think that is cute? Is it that we are just finding less and less marriages surviving to become cute old couples slow dancing. Maybe its a rarity. Best wishes to Jason and Janet! May you grow old together to become a cute old couple slow dancing.

Anyway... I survived.

Wayne @ 11:31 PM Comments (5)
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Things In My Bible 4
I felt it appropriate to share this with you today.

Paula and I were married right after we were commissioned as Salvation Army Officers. We were married in Louisville, KY. We flew out of Louisville to New Orleans for our honeymoon. Consequently, after we chose New Orleans for our honeymoon spot, we were appointed there for our first appointment.

We flew to Charlotte, NC to pick up our car to drive back to New Orleans to live. We would have to drive through Atlanta. Chad and Jessica were staying with her parents in Atlanta for their vacation. We gave them a call to see if they wanted to meet for lunch when we drove through.

We ended up staying overnight that night in Atlanta so we could hand out with our friends before we went to our new appointments. As we were about to leave, Chad (who is an extreme Georgia Bulldogs fan) put this cling (shown above) on our minivan. I didn't realize he had done it until we had arrived in New Orleans as we went to unload the minivan.

I couldn't bring myself to throw it away even though was a UK fan. It was a little reminder of Chad. I put it in my Bible and it has been there ever since. He put it on the minivan in July of 2000.

It is now April of 2006. The cling has since faded in color. We are a little older, wider, wiser, and in greater number, but we have not faded. We have vivid bright memories. Just about an hour and a half ago, Chad and Jessica and their kids left our place. They spent a few days with us. Great times!

I survived.

Wayne @ 12:40 PM Comments (4)
American Idol
American Idol

Click on the picture just above to be routed to my American Idol Blog. There you can read my take on the performances. Enjoy!!

Watching on the Tube
Bionic Woman
Bionic Woman

Paula and I both love this show. It is a remake of the 70's action television show. We haven't seen it in forever since the Writers Guild Strike. How sad!!


Harry Connick, JR

Harry Connick Jr's newest album, "Oh, My Nola" is full of music from New Orleans or written by artists from New Orleans. Since Paula and I lived in New Orleans, it is special to us. We actually got to see the concert for this album live. It was great. You have got to check this out!

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