Time 2 Talk
It has been a bit since I've blogged. After recovering from my "Killer Gout," Paula broke her right foot. Yes Indeed! She is getting around pretty well now. Let me get to the real reason why I want to Blog tonight. I really want to lay out some thoughts about my Men's Camp experience and some thoughts that have since sparked.
It was so amazing to see God use our ministry at Men's Camp. People responded to God's Word presented through Praise & Worship music. I heard many corps officers and soldiers say things like, "I sure wish you guys were part of our corps." Why is it that just about every corps in the division would love to have our Worship Team as part of their ministries, but our own corps would rather we hang it up?
We could argue and debate what worship is or what is appropriate to present to God as worship or whether or not what I present is based on preference or not. In fact, we already debate that, even within our own Worship Team. I am not in the mood to argue OR debate.
Very simply, God has created me a certain way. Within that act of creation, He has imparted within me certain gifts. Some of those certain gifts are better than other gifts he has imparted to me. Therefore, I am in a situation that the gifts I present to God can be nothing more than that which He has given me first.
With that said, who has the right to discourage my gifts? Who, Biblically, can stand in judgment of a gift that is not even intended for them? Who has been deemed the judge to determine that the gifts I give are out of preference or simply out of what I have to give?
I don't know about you, but I've yet to experience God asking for a receipt for the gifts given to Him so that He may exchange them. If from my heart I give, to His heart He receives.
I am really at a point of giving up. I have been in emotional hell before. I will not allow anyone else to put me there again. The only thing I can come up with is that those within our corps who practice discouragement instead of encouragement have mistaken self-righteousness for holiness.
Once I sift through my thoughts some more, I will discuss this some more. This is enough for now.
9:46 PM