Ray of Hope... maybe.
Days off are wonderful. I had one today. Watched a few Star Wars flicks today, gave Phileo and Brandy baths, fixed dinner for the fam, and relaxed. Men's Camp is coming up and The Worship Team is playin'. I am excited about it. We are gonna do some sweet numbers like "Sweet Home Up In Heaven," the parody to Lynard Skynard's "Sweet Home Alabama."
Paula and I have both said we would love to do this (praise band) professionally. I think this group is talented enough to do it, but too many ties to other things would prevent such a thing. Also we would need a hefty chunk o'change to get started and none of us have such chunks.
It has been a good day overall. I can't help but to experience a little sadness thinking about going to work tomorrow. How is it that days off go by so fast, but days at work go by so slow? If anyone knows a remedy to that, please share it with me.
As I blog, the song "Broken" plays. That song is a major part of my life. It is like my testimony. I hear it and every time, God brings to light some new part to the idea of being broken. I said in my last blog that I thought I had learned what I needed to learn. Maybe not. Maybe that is why that song does what it does to me every time I hear it.
Another song that does that to me is "Word Of God Speak." Maybe there is something to that. Something about the Word of God telling me I need to be broken... hmmm. We wonder why God so often compares us to sheep... because sheep are somewhat... how can I put it... THICK IN THE HEAD!
Only one more thing to say tonight:
Y-E-S I-N-D-E-E-D!
8:50 PM