Surviving Wayne
I find that it is a full time job surviving myself. I and my quirks and imperfections will be the fall of me. Thanks to God, my Creator, Protector, and Savior, survival is immanent.
Saturday, April 16, 2005

Fat or Phat?
American Idol rocks! Yet I have an issue with something. Those of you who know me, know that I am balding and fat (not into beating around the bush). I am all about seeing Scott Savol go all the way on my beloved FOX series. "Why?" you ask… because his image, his look is not what we would define as the "American Idol."

Simon Cowell is someone I used to have respect for, simply because of his intense honesty. I have grown to truly think that he is as shallow as he comes across. Let me foreshadow what I am going to say with what originally caught eye.

The Charlotte Observer ran a column about the show’s final twelve. Three critics gave their opinion about each finalist. These "critics" or "professionals" (none of which being professional musicians) were harsh regarding some of the Idols. They were really hard on Scott. I don’t have a doctorate in music or have a perfect ear, but I have had musical training. I have directed a choir or two in my day. I have conducted a few brass bands. I have also given voice lessons a few times when I was a freshman in college as a music education major. I think that I am pretty qualified to give an educated opinion about these performers.

Scott, along with many of the other Idols, has an amazing voice. I would define him as a very strong tenor with great tone and control. Savol, as I have stated, does not look the part. On an episode a few weeks ago, he sang a song and did superb. During the song, he took off his sunglasses and threw them aside and also his hat I believe. Both Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul were very pleased with the phenomenal performance. Simon, however, was not. He made the comment, "I was starting to get scared that if the song didn’t end soon enough."

Now, one shouldn’t assume, but Simon has not once said anything encouraging or positive to Scott. Simon doesn’t like him. I know what it’s like to not be chosen because of being fat or not the cutest. I know how it feels to not be accepted for not fitting into the mold.

Some people think that if you are fat that you are a slob and that you eat and that is all you do. Not true. Some will say that being fat or obese is bad stewardship of our bodies which are temples of the Holy Spirit. I can agree with that one. Those of us are fat, or thin challenged if I am to be politically correct, have those same concerns. I am fat, but I am not a slob. I don’t over eat. I just tend to keep weight on. I know the Word of God and know my responsibility when it comes to stewardship.

Understand that we do not want to be fat. We do not want to be looked at in disgust. It is not as easy as just losing weight or going on a diet. That is a myth that skinny people believe. It is probably 90% mental. Please don’t judge us or put us down… we do enough of that to ourselves already. Just remember that we are out there.

Scott may not look the part, but he is representing. We are talented. We are creative. We are not just fat… we are Phat!

Wayne @ 10:31 PM Comments (1)
American Idol
American Idol

Click on the picture just above to be routed to my American Idol Blog. There you can read my take on the performances. Enjoy!!

Watching on the Tube
Bionic Woman
Bionic Woman

Paula and I both love this show. It is a remake of the 70's action television show. We haven't seen it in forever since the Writers Guild Strike. How sad!!


Harry Connick, JR

Harry Connick Jr's newest album, "Oh, My Nola" is full of music from New Orleans or written by artists from New Orleans. Since Paula and I lived in New Orleans, it is special to us. We actually got to see the concert for this album live. It was great. You have got to check this out!

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