Things In My Bible
During church today, I found myself looking through my Bible. I wasn't actually reading the scripture, but looking at misc bookmarks I have and things I have written throughout the pages. It was a nice stroll down memory lane. AN IDEA! I want to share some of these things with you.
This is something I took from a brigade worship in training.
If I remember correctly, that brigade consisted of me, Paula, Chad and Jessica W., John and Christina B., Anthony and Elizabeth J., and Bobbie Oakes (now Bobbie Sams). John and Karen Carter were the brigade officers.
This particular semester, Anthony and Elizabeth were leading a different brigade for their "Co-Op" so they were not with us at this time. Chad and Jessica were hosting/leading this particular brigade worship. That morning, only me, Paula, Chad, Jessica, Bobbie, and John were in attendance.
Chad gave each of us a note card with our name at the top. We passed the cards around and everyone wrote some words of encouragement on the card. I still have that card in my Bible and it certainly does give me encouragement.
I survived.
6:45 PM