Surviving Wayne
I find that it is a full time job surviving myself. I and my quirks and imperfections will be the fall of me. Thanks to God, my Creator, Protector, and Savior, survival is immanent.
Monday, October 02, 2006

Well, tomorrow is Paula's surgery. It has been a day she has long awaited for. I am happy for her. We currently have a house full. Stephen and Katrina (& JJ) are still living with us. Paula's parents got in this morning about 1:35am to be here for the surgery.

Yesterday, Paula and I got to spend time with Glenn & Jennifer. We haven't seen them since we have been out. We got to spend time with our nephew, Brandon. He was adorable. He warmed up to Aunt Paula quite quickly. He wouldn't give uncle Wayne a goodbye hug. Yes Indeed! Anyway, it was great to finally meet him.

Paula and I got to talk to Sheri tonight. It was nice. We miss her lots and haven't spoken with her in like forever. Please keep Sheri in your prayers. To find out why, see her blog. Lets just say she is taking life a little "slower."

Paula started a blog last night. I have put a link over there on the left.

Anyway... I know this was like a random blog post, but I am tired and I am tossing out whatever comes to mind.

I will survive.

Wayne @ 9:39 PM Comments (0)
American Idol
American Idol

Click on the picture just above to be routed to my American Idol Blog. There you can read my take on the performances. Enjoy!!

Watching on the Tube
Bionic Woman
Bionic Woman

Paula and I both love this show. It is a remake of the 70's action television show. We haven't seen it in forever since the Writers Guild Strike. How sad!!


Harry Connick, JR

Harry Connick Jr's newest album, "Oh, My Nola" is full of music from New Orleans or written by artists from New Orleans. Since Paula and I lived in New Orleans, it is special to us. We actually got to see the concert for this album live. It was great. You have got to check this out!

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