My first time...
Well here goes... my first official blog. What a day to start when I feel like royal scum. I am torn between enjoying not being at work and wishing I felt better. I haven't been to work since Monday. I will be out three days next week when Chad, Jess, and the kids are in.
I really need a new job. I need something that is not emotionally draining and not so... well... negative. PAY YOUR BILLS, PEOPLE! What is so bad about my job you ask? Well try wanting to help people be responsible about their cell phone bills. Wanting to avoid allowing them to grow such a large balance that they can't pay it and my "corporate sponsor" has to just write it off. Such a lose-lose situation.
God is good. There is something up His sleeve. Whay, praytell, is it? Hopefully we all will find out soon.
4:34 PM